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Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology


Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology

The Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology at Udayan is the first such department in the State of Bihar which provides comprehensive A to Z facilities forgastroenterology services for the management of gastrointestinal, liver, biliary and pancreatic disorders. The Department has been built on the principle to provide sophisticated technical facilities and the highest standard of healthcare delivery to quate with the best in the country. The department provides services ranging from outpatient clinics to managing emergencies in our state of the art ICU.Hepatitis affects millions of individuals globally and is associated with several poor outcomes including liver transplant and liver cancer. In particular, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are major causes of liver cancer, while alcohol abuse has been linked to conditions such as cirrhosis and other serious complications. The conditions hepatologists deal with most frequently are viral hepatitis and alcohol-related liver disease. We are humbled to say that we are credited with several milestone surgeries in India namely :

Diagnostic Upper GI endoscopy, colonoscopy, side viewing endoscopy.
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Therapeutic endoscopy: EST, EVL, Glue treatment of gastric varices, stricture dilatation, endoluminal stenting, haemostasis of GI bleeding polypectomy, sclerotherapy of haemorrhoids.
ERCP: diagnostics and theraupeutic.
Liver biopsy.
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) placement.
Radiology guided therapeutic interventions eg. drainage of abscess and cysts, fine needle aspiration cytology, paracentesis.
Others: SB tube placement, nasojejunal feeding tube placement, achalasia dilatation.